Application of GPRS Soil Moisture Monitoring System in Monitoring Soil Drought and Flood Indexes in Changzhi City

The city of Changzhi in southeastern Shanxi Province has always had the climate characteristics of “nine years of drought, drought in the middle, drought in the middle of drought, drought and flood”, which has serious restrictions on the development of local agriculture, monitoring soil drought and drought conditions. It is particularly important in the process of agricultural development in the region. At present, there are 17 drought monitoring sites distributed in 13 counties (cities, districts) in Changzhi City, which are monitored by the GPRS soil moisture monitoring system. According to the local climate change, the soil moisture content was observed every 5 days on March 1st and December 1st. The sampling time was 8:00 pm the same day. After sampling and drying calculation, the results were reported to Changzhi at 2pm on the same day. Sub-bureaus shall report to the relevant units after analysis.

At present, there are 5 stations at 17 stations in Changzhi City that serve as observation stations for hydrological stations, and 12 stations are commissioned by other local staff to observe and observe. When observing, from the field representing the land type of the local crop, drill two holes with a soil drill over lm above the center of the representative field, and take soil samples not less than 30g in depth at depths of 10, 20, 40, and 60cm, respectively. , Place a special earth box, weigh with a special balance, after drying in the dryer, calculate the percentage of water in the soil. In order to ensure accurate sampling, two holes and the same depth sampling are used for verification.

By using GPRS soil moisture monitoring system to analyze the soil moisture in this area, the main indicators of soil drought and flood can be obtained. Drought prediction and forecasting technology is still at its infancy in Changzhi. In order to meet the needs of Changzhi public opinion monitoring, the sub-bureau has been monitoring and monitoring the soil moisture content in Changzhi City since 2004, based on the local precipitation and the soil moisture content in the previous period, and forecasted by the five-day forecast period. Combined with the monitoring results of the 17 public opinion monitoring stations established in Changzhi City every five days, the forecast data were revised and published on the website of Changzhi Hydrology Bureau. The maximum change of forecast results and measured values ​​was within 10% on the 5th.

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