The National Football League NFL admits that viewers watch the game in the same way as they do at home. This means they watch Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, watch videos or browse information. The problem is that there is insufficient WiFi signal on its site. "This is a frustrating experience. You can't even upload a 4-megabyte or 5-megapixel self-timer," said Chuck Berger, chief executive of American Extreme Networks, headquartered in San Jose.
To solve this problem, the U.S. National Football League named Extreme Networks as "the first official WiFi solution partner in the national football league." Individual franchises and stadiums are free to choose their own network providers, such as poles. Into the network company's competitors, Cisco and Aruba Networks. Extreme Networks has deployed WiFi infrastructure at home stadiums of the England Patriots, Philadelphia Eagles, Cincinnati Tigers, Seattle Seahawks and Tennessee Titans. Berger said: "Our goal is to make your WiFi experience as smooth as you are in the office or at home when you are in our stadium." In addition if the fans do encounter problems, Extreme Networks deploys "wireless The "Internet Connection Coach" will be able to help them on the court.
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