How to cure the cold chain? Bear the brunt of solving temperature control

Following the incidents of the Shengguo Fruit Incident and the Shandong Vaccine Incident, we have to sigh that China's cold chain transportation is indeed a problem. Whether it is fresh cold chain or pharmaceutical cold chain, it has strict requirements on temperature and humidity. On June 15, 2016, the second day of the Asian Logistics Biennial, the discussion on temperature control logistics began here.

医药冷链怎么整? 首当其冲是解决温控

The concentration of convenience stores in a city is related to the city's GDP, so the convenience store in Kitakami is very saturated. As people's lifestyle changes, more and more people will choose to buy online products online. This trend cannot be evaded in the fresh industry, but the level of fresh domestic distribution is difficult to provide perfect preservation quality.

医药冷链怎么整? 首当其冲是解决温控

Thomas Lau, the supply chain manager and logistics manager of METRO, said in his speech: “Every 40% of our Metro malls are fresh products, and we have not been able to provide fresh products delivery services. The reason is that these fresh products need 24 The hour is maintained at -18 degrees, and China's current cold chain express company does not pass the exam for us."

医药冷链怎么整? 首当其冲是解决温控

The temperature control during the cold chain transportation and the supporting storage facilities are the pain points for fresh delivery in China, and the problem is equally severe in the pharmaceutical cold chain. In response, Ms. Zhu Jianyun, Director of Planning and Management Department of Sinopharm Medicine Logistics Co., Ltd., said that the China National Pharmaceutical Association continued to strengthen the supervision of the pharmaceutical cold chain process and abolished the intermediate level wholesaler link, and the pharmaceutical manufacturers and medical institutions directly connected. Improve distribution quality by reducing transit channels.

医药冷链怎么整? 首当其冲是解决温控

In addition, Ms. Zhu Jianyun confidently announced that Sinopharm Group has been able to solve the problems of warehousing and temperature control in pharmaceutical cold chain processes. For LTL-loaded medicine, it will be stored in an incubator and equipped with a temperature recorder throughout. As long as there are temperature fluctuations beyond the standard range on the way, the quality of the drug is immediately tested. For the medical transportation of the vehicle, the refrigerated truck transportation will be directly selected.

医药冷链怎么整? 首当其冲是解决温控

医药冷链怎么整? 首当其冲是解决温控

Assuming that the problems of warehousing and temperature control have all been solved, how can we further optimize the last kilometer problem of cold chain transportation? Mr. Luc Kremers, president of ORTEC Asia Pacific, gave us the answer from the software. Many companies choose to outsource the transportation services to the three parties, but even outsourcing still needs to consider the effect of transportation. By assessing the number of vehicles per day, the number of kilometres run, and the status of non-outsourced revenues and expenditures, full consideration will be given to multi-point picking, distribution, and return of empty containers. It is the best plan to derive the best plan from big data.

Yellow Wine Without Caramel Colour

5A grade Yelllow rice wine is adopted for aged wine, i.e. A grade raw materials, A grade timing, A grade pottery jar, A grade storage and A grade brewers. Using Huangjiu of the most representative years as base, aged wine is bottled in green porcelain for banquet and gift-giving. Glass-bottled-wine is mainly used for 3-5 years of ordinary wine, with superior cost performance, suitable for people who drink at home frequently.Shaoxingtian Chun Wine,Yellow Wine Without Caramel Colour, etc..Shaoxing wine without caramel is naturally fermented, with lighter color, purer and more attractive. The wine tastes fresh and mellow.

Yellow Rice Wine,Jia Fan Wine,Shaoxingtian Chun Wine,Yellow Wine Without Caramel Colour