The AC vibration lamp is a kind of insecticidal lamp professionally designed, developed, and produced by the characteristics of the light-absorbing properties of the top-mounted instrument in Zhejiang. How is the application of the AC vibration-removable insecticidal lamp in agricultural production? We used Luoyang vegetable planting in Henan as a test site to analyze the application effects of AC pulsed insecticidal lamps.
1 Materials and Methods
1.1 Test Materials
Exchange frequency vibration insecticidal lamp, produced by Zhejiang Top Instrument Co., Ltd.
1.2 Test site
The experimental field was planted in Luoyang City, Henan Province. The soil nutrient fertility was measured using a soil nutrient fastness meter. The GPS area measuring instrument measured an area of ​​6,670 square meters. The planted small green vegetables, bandou, loofah and tomato were planted at the base. Two of the sheds were covered with pest control nets.
1.3 Test methods
The insecticidal lamp is hung in the center of the base. The height of the hanging lamp is 150cm. Lights will be on May 25th. Lights will be removed on September 27th. Lights will be on at 8pm every night. Lights will be turned off at 5am the next morning. There is no light on the rainy day and the light is actually switched on for 73 days. According to the low flying ability of Plutella xylostella, the hanging lamp height was lowered to 80cm on July 12th, and the height of the hanging lamp was restored to 150cm on July 31st. Adults were trapped and killed daily and brought back to the house for classification and investigation.
2 Results and Analysis
2.1 Insect killer traps
From May 25th to September 27th, the actual turn on the lights for 73d, a total of 11255 adult insects were trapped, the average single lamp 154.2 insects per day, including 104 horn moths, 133 rice ridges, 110 small tigers, beetles 443 heads, 13 armyworms, 128 Spodoptera lituras, 366 diamondback moths, 16 star moths, 117 heads of S. sinensis, 31 heads of beet armyworms, and 9627 heads. Lamps' comprehensive trapping effect on various pests.
2.2 Occurrence patterns and trapping effects of several major pests
According to the number of trapped adult insects, the occurrence of the main pests in the region was summarized: the occurrence period of Plutella xylostella was on July 8th and 17th; Spodoptera litura, mainly in the period from July 8 to September 27; The moth is harmed during May 28th - June 7th and August 12th - September 27th; the young tigers occur between May 25th and June 17th; the scarabs are on May 25th - July 7th. Occurrences occurred between dates; some other adults appeared sporadically during lighting.
2.3 Cost Accounting
The exchange of pest control insect pests and artificial control, can greatly reduce the use of chemical pesticides and the number of uses, reduce vegetable pesticide residues, protect the ecological environment, and greatly reduce the cost of medication. The insecticidal lamp costs 383 yuan (including 25 yuan postage) per train, generally 5 to 6 years, or 78 yuan per year; 9 hours per night (8 in the evening to 5 in the morning) requires 0.27 degrees of power consumption (0.14 yuan/day, 0.52 yuan/degree). According to the roo-day calculation of lighting on May-September every year, it will cost 14 yuan; the manual management fee will be 200 yuan (1 hour per day and 15 yuan per worker); each lamp can cover an area of ​​2 to 2.67 hours. . If you press Zh tricks, then the cost will be around 150 yuan per hour, and during this period every hour you can save about 1,200 yuan.
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