A photosynthetically active radiometer is a portion of spectral energy, ie, photosynthetically active radiation, capable of measuring the chlorophyll molecules in an excited state in solar radiation absorbed by a plant during photosynthesis.
The definition of photosynthetically active radiation can be defined from three primary application disciplines: atmospheric science, ecology, and resource science and technology. In the atmospheric sciences, photosynthetically active radiation refers to the radiant energy of certain wavelengths that can be absorbed and transformed by the chloroplast pigments of green plants and used to synthesize organic substances in the solar radiation spectrum; from an ecological point of view, it refers to the solar radiation spectrum. It can be absorbed by the chloroplast pigments of green plants and converted to radiant energy in the 400-700 nm band for the synthesis of organic substances. It is defined in the resource science and technology as the solar radiation spectrum can be absorbed by the chloroplast pigments of green plants, transformed and used Synthetic organic matter has a certain band of radiant energy.
The photosynthetically active radiation has a wavelength of about 400 to 700 nanometers and is represented by the symbol Qp in units of watts/meter2. Photosynthetically active radiation is the source of energy for plant life activities, organic matter synthesis, and yield formation.
What effect does photosynthetically active radiation have on photosynthesis in plants? Take corn as an example. The amount of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) within the corn canopy directly affects the photosynthesis of the leaves within the canopy, which in turn affects the accurate assessment of the corn's net primary productivity or crop yield. Related expert experiments have shown that photosynthetic efficiency in maize canopy is effective. The distribution and effect factors of radiation on the vertical distribution characteristics of photosynthetically active radiation in corn canopy and its influence factors were analyzed. The results showed that the PAR distribution of different vertical leaf layers in maize canopy was significantly changed with the growth period, and significantly negatively correlated with the leaf area index (R2 = 0.89). The K value of the photosynthetic effective radiation of maize canopy showed a K value during the growth period. The dynamic change is about 0.76, and the performance is larger at the seedling stage and smaller at the late reproductive stage.
Each step in photosynthesis is important for the growth and development of the plant, and the effect of photosynthetically active radiation on photosynthesis is also important. The research and development of photosynthetically active radiometers is a milestone in the measurement of photosynthetically active radiation. It has a series of functional features, Xiao Bian is not mentioned here one by one, laid a professional market for measuring photosynthetic active radiation instruments.
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