The Quantum Communication Originally Created by Our Scientists Can Be Directly Secured by 500 Meters

The quantum safety direct communication originally created by Chinese scientists has once again taken a big step forward in the practical application process.

On November 14th, a joint experimental group from Tsinghua University and Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications came out. Following the announcement in June of this year of a theoretical scheme for verifying quantum secure direct communication in the laboratory through quantum storage, they recently used a type called 500 meters of optical fiber for the first time. The entangled quantum phenomenon realizes the direct and secure transmission of quantum information. Theoretical analysis proves that with the current experimental conditions, quantum security direct communication can be realized in tens of kilometers.

Quantum Communication refers to a new type of communication method that uses quantum entanglement to transmit information. Quantum communication is a new type of interdisciplinary discipline developed in the past two decades. It is a new research field combining quantum theory and information theory.

Quantum communication mainly involves quantum cryptography, quantum teleportation, and quantum dense coding. This discipline has gradually moved from theory to experiment and to practical development. Efficient and secure information transmission is receiving increasing attention. Based on the basic principles of quantum mechanics, quantum communication has the characteristics of high efficiency and absolute security, and has therefore become a research hotspot in the world of quantum physics and information science.

Current experiments show that fiber-based quantum-secure direct communication can achieve near-current transfer rates for commercial quantum key distribution. Quantum security direct communication is to be fully commercialized. Although there are still many improvements at present, this experiment is a key step towards the practical application of quantum security direct communication.

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